Portable Fit Packs: Tools to Help You Exercise on-the-Go

Q: I’ll be traveling a ton over the holidays which means it’ll be next to impossible to keep up my normal gym routine.  How can I manage to still exercise when my time and resources are limited?

portable fit kit, fitness, exercise, gym

Hey there!

With the holidays right around the corner, it’s no surprise that exercise takes a back seat to the influx of festive gatherings, family time, and travel plans that we love to partake in.  As wonderful as these things are, our health is something that never takes a vacation, and should be attended to year-round if you want to maintain the substantial progress you’ve made thus far.  This includes continuing to engage in moderate physical activity most days of the week (which is understandably easier said than done).  The good news is physical activity can be achieved in a variety of different ways, all it takes is a little creativity and an open mind.  I came up with the idea of creating a Portable Fit Pack that includes a few essential items to help you get the best possible workout while on the road.  These lightweight items are all you need to engage in both cardiovascular and strength training workouts when you’re away from home. Continue reading

Fresh Food Friday: Apple Cinnamon Breakfast Rice

Apple cinnamon rice, breakfast, healthy

We made it through another week y’all!  The past couple of weeks have been jam packed with final projects that needed to be completed, presentations to prepare for, and an unforgiving work schedule. All of that combined with Thanksgiving has left me running in a million directions with most of my meals consisting of whatever I could quickly grab out of the pantry on my way out the door.  Because of this, I wanted to make a simple breakfast dish that’s portable, yet so very delicious.  It combines signature flavors of fall, pairing fresh apples with the robust taste of cinnamon and a hint of vanilla.  Enjoy either hot or cold 🙂 Continue reading

Fresh Food Friday: Fat-Free Banana Bread

banana bread

I fell in love with banana bread during my first year of grad school and we’ve had a pretty stable relationship ever since. With Thanksgiving less than a week away, I wanted to give you all a healthy adaptation of this fat-free dish.  It’s very soft and the cinammon-sugar crust gives a subtle sweet taste without being overpowering which makes for a great dessert alternative.  As I mentioned in my Healthy Holiday post, bringing a nutritious dish to Thanksgiving dinner is a great motivator for making healthy food choices next Thursday. Continue reading

Fresh Food Friday: Lighter Chicken Alfredo with Broccoli & Mushrooms

chicken alfredoI don’t know what it is about Fridays that make me so happy.  While part of it is knowing that I’ve survived yet another long week, a majority of my excitement comes from sharing another great recipe with you all.  As I’ve said before, I’m a total pasta freak so my heart beams with joy anytime I discover a new way to make a clean noodle dish.  Out of all of the pasta recipes I’ve tried thus far, this one is by far my favorite.  This adapted chicken alfredo dish combines whole wheat pasta with grilled chicken, roasted broccoli, and sautéed mushrooms tossed with a creamy sauce made from natural ingredients.  But don’t let the healthy ingredients fool you, this dish is bursting with so much flavor that you’ll forget that it’s actually good for you. Continue reading

Throw a Party in Your Water Glass: How to Stay Hydrated this Winter

Q: I heard you can get dehydrated even if it’s cold outside but my problem is I never feel thirsty. How can I learn to drink more water?


Hey pal,

The winter season causes most of us to go to great lengths to protect our bodies from the frigid temperatures.  For a lot of people, this typically means an increase in layers and a higher intake of warm caffeinated beverages.  While these things are helpful in keeping us warm, we tend to forget to give our bodies the one thing that they still need most: water.  Our bodies are made of 70% water, and they need this valuable liquid in order to maintain all of the physiological processes that take place inside them.  While it’s easy to remember to drink water in the hot summer months, water intake usually decreases when the temperature does.  However, whether you’re in blistering heat or the frigid cold,  maintaining adequate water intake is vital in preventing dehydration and keeping your body functioning properly. Continue reading

Fresh Food Friday: Cinnamon Raisin Mug Cake with Vanilla Cream Frosting


With the change of seasons usually comes a change in foods and flavors that represent them.  Nothing exudes fall like the robust flavors of pumpkin, apple, and cinnamon.  Both the taste and smells of these ingredients gives me a calming sense of warmth that’s much needed in the fall season’s cooler temperatures.  This week’s recipe features a mug cake full of cinnamon flavor that’s a perfect meal for those chilly fall mornings. Continue reading

Heart Rate Monitors: Making Your Workouts Count

Q: I’ve seen a lot of people at the gym using heart rate monitors during their workouts. What exactly are they used for? Do I need to start using one too?

heart rate monitor

Hi there!

One of the major benefits of exercise is improving cardiovascular fitness and sustaining the health of your heart.  Heart rate monitors (HRMs) measure and record the number of beats per minute at any given time.  Most come with a chest strap that transmits signals from your heart to a watch where the information is stored and displayed.  Prices vary anywhere from $30 to $400+, depending on your individual needs.

Because the benefits of cardiovascular exercise are only seen when your heart rate has reached a certain elevation, HRMs are useful tools in assessing just how hard your heart is working and prompts you to make changes to your workouts if you’re working too hard or not hard enough.  If you’re like me, there have probably been times when you wandered throughout the gym hopping from one machine to the next at inconsistent intervals.  While one activity made you gasp for air, the next one barely made you break a sweat.

Sure you just spent an hour in the gym, but did your body work hard enough for it to actually be worth it?  Continue reading

Fresh Food Friday: Tortellini Caprese Salad

Tortellini Caprese Salad

The hardest part about eating healthy dinners during the week is finding the time to prepare and cook them.  Between class, work, and my internship, cooking is usually at the very bottom of my to-do list.  Luckily I’ve managed to come up with a few go-to meals that are simple enough to make in a short amount of time but still very delicious and satisfying.  This salad combines the rich flavors of cherry tomatoes and fresh mozzarella with the lightness of a simple olive oil dressing.  Not to mention the heartiness of the cheese tortellini, this salad is perfect served either hot or cold. Continue reading

Choose Health! Julian’s Transformation

I’ve always felt my mission in life is to help others become healthier and empower them to take responsibility for their wellbeing.  While some people respond well to being told what to do, I’ve found that people are more likely to invest in their health if they are shown how to do it.  My friend Julian is an excellent example of how possible it is to change your life for the better.  He previously engaged in a multitude of unhealthy behaviors stemming from our college days at UNC Chapel Hill but has since made the decision to invest in his health.  Exercising regularly and being proactive about making beneficial diet choices, Julian has lost over 63 pounds and now has complete control over his previously declining heart health.

Meet my healthy friend, Julian.

weight loss Continue reading

Fresh Food Friday: Gutless Oatmeal Raisin Cookies


A few weeks ago, one of the patients I prescribe exercise to at the DC VA Medical Center filled me in on how he managed to lose 40 pounds by increasing physical activity, counting calories, and cutting out all junk food.  His biggest vice?  Oatmeal raisin cookies.  He told me all about his powerful addiction to this classic treat and how much it pained him to cut them out of his diet.  This inspired me to experiment with a variety of natural ingredients in the hopes of creating a healthier version that he could enjoy.  Three tries later, I managed to come up with this soft, chewy treat.  It’s super easy to prepare and takes no time at all! Continue reading